ALEC is education apps built for society provided by Univeristas Airlangga Surabaya, it available for Android and iOS
About ALEC
ALEC (Airlangga Law Education Center) is education apps spesific at law education, build for society to provide more information about law in Indonesia. It has some feature like list class with video teached by airlangga law faculty lecturer both paid or free, also chat feature to provide society consult with law practioner from Universitas Airlangga Surabaya.
What i do in this project?
Create application from scratch both for iOS and Android using Java and Swift.
Feature available on this app are
- Register / Login / Forgot password
- Email verification
- Slideshow
- Paid education class (Video based)
- Free class (Video based)
- Paid consultation
(chat based) - Free consultation (chat based)
- Category Class
- Integration with 3rd Party Payment Gateway (Midtrans)
- Change Profile
- Notification
- Digital Library
- Fun (Quiz)